Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In the Beginning ...

So - how do you begin to record one of the GREATEST adventures of your life when you are almost 4 years into it ?
Meaning ... I took my FIRST Leap ( of Faith ) March 17 2006 and I am only now setting up my "internet journal" - my web log / Blog
Well - actually - that isn't quite true
I can alleviate  some of my guilt knowing I have chronicled various sundry parts in and on other venues.
The trick for me now is to pick and choose - cut and past - and present a GOOD clean synopsis of what has transpired and then - move on from here.
Funny - you would think it would have occurred to me to do this long ago - and actually - it has - but then  those of you who know me - know where I am - know where I have been and what I have been doing - may just understand the "y"
In keeping with tradition - I know - something rare and different for me - there is no place like the start like in the beginning ...
That having been said - I did go back and collect everything I could find that referenced any of my thoughts and feelings over the past four years about skydiving ...
Here is what I wrote back in March of 2006

Ok - so its not for everyone - BUT - It is Most Assuredly for me !
I have NEVER been "happier" - ( freeier ? - more free ) and in "touch" with Spirit.
Guess I should have known - why did it take me 45 years to "click" into this little gem ?
You would think my obcession with flight and speed would have been a "clue" ...
But the Lord has His Seasons and Reasons for everything and so I must once again trust it is all for a purpose ...
With ALL that I have been thru and with all I am going to have to "face" - this is a Bright Light I can focus on.
A joy
An indescribable sensation that my body and soul now apparently "crave"
As I drifted back to the earth this afternoon I was reminded of something DeVinci once said ... 
"and once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward for there you have been and there you long to return"
Though I have no mortal arms to hold me late at night, no confidents to share my hopes and dreams with, though I am "alone" on this path that I must now walk ... I have renewed my Spirit and found a source of energy to help me get thru this and whatever lies ahead.
I am - in Flight - at Peace